Venice Tourist Information
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Vaporetto line #4.2

Vaporetto line 4.2, which uses motoscafi, carries out a circumnavigation service around the entire perimeter of Venice, reaching the most strategic points of the city such as San Marco, the Civil Hospital, the Railway Station, Piazzale Roma, the San Michele Cemetery, Giardini, the islands of Lido, Giudecca and Murano. Line 4.1 operates counterclockwise while line 4.2 operates the same service but clockwise.


Fondamente Nove - Cimitero San Michele - Murano Colonna - Murano Faro - Murano Navagero - Murano Museo - Murano Da Mula - Murano Venier - Murano Serenella - Murano Colonna - Cimitero - Fondamente Nove - Madonna dell'Orto - Sant'Alvise - Crea - Guglie - Ferrovia - Piazzale Roma - Santa Marta - Sacca Fisola - Giudecca Palanca - Redentore - Zitelle - San Zaccaria - Arsenale - Giardini - Sant'Elena - Certosa - San Pietro di Castello - Bacini - Celestia - Ospedale Civile - Fondamente Nove

In Acqua alta conditions

When the tide level exceeds 95 cm above sea level, the service of the lines that bypass the city and line 2 must be divided, since the vaporetti can no longer pass under some bridges. The circumnavigation lines are divided into three sections: on the Cannaregio Canal they cannot continue under the Ponte delle Guglie and the Ponte dei Tre Archi and on Piazzale Roma towards Giudecca they cannot pass under the railway bridge that connects the Venezia Santa Lucia station with the Maritime Station.

Main Attractions in Vaporetto line #4.2, Venice